Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Breadth I : Organic Texture Sculpt - Texture Studies


Concentration Ideas

For my Advanced Placement 3D art class, I have to create two portfolios: one that showcases my overall skill in various mediums and themes (breadth) and one that is centered on a clear theme called the concentration.

I have a few general ideas for what my concentration might be. All involve various types of sculptures that follow the same theme.

Here are a few:
  1. Mechanical/Industrial moving sculptures and machine-like sculptures
  2. Sculptures of characters and settings that are gothic, Burtonesque, and macabre 
  3. Creatures or monsters that reflect me as a person and go along the lines of the above theme
  4. Reflective architectural models (inspired by the work of Takahiro Iwazaki)

Later on, I will be posting about the projects I will be doing for both my breadth portfolio and my concentration portfolio and I will be explaining them as well as posting photos of the process of making them.