Monday, June 30, 2014

A Peak into The Nest: My Travel Collages

Today I invite you to a look in a part of my room that means a lot to me. Ever since I attended the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland with my fellow Candide (based on Voltaire's classic satire) cast mates, I have collected the many tickets, flyers, brochures, maps, and memorabilia that one tends to acquire throughout their travels.

After that first random crap-collecting trip, I decided to put all those little knick-knacks to use and I pasted them straight to my wall with the grace, symmetry, and beauty that is generally associated with baby blob fish (don't look them up). All of that resulted in... all of this:

I know, it's pa-rit-ty messy.

A year later after I took a heartbreaking and eye opening photography trip to India (more specifically, the Himalayan Mountains), I decided to put in a little more effort into my memory preservation and make some quality collages out of the memorabilia from Scotland and India. 

I first took down everything from my wall and kept the scraps from Scotland separated from the scraps from India so that when I made these collages, I wouldn't associate memories with the wrong trip. I then separated the scraps by color because I knew I had enough material to make several collages, each with its own color scheme. 

I had gone to my local craft store and bought thin canvas boards of two different sizes: 11" by 14" and 8.5" by 11". I then got out my trusty Mod Podge and brush and started pasting away! 

The result was a wall that I truly enjoyed looking at and could see myself adding to in the future. It has now become a center piece in my room and serves as a lovely reminder of all the wonderful memories I am so lucky and grateful to have acquired. 

Now I know how much of a difference a little bit of hard work and patience makes to any project and I really recommend taking that extra time to really plan out your room decorations because in the end, you're the one that has to stare at them all day!

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