Saturday, November 1, 2014

Breadth III : Multiples and Modules - Artist Inspiration ~ Jennifer Maestre

Our next breadth assignment is titled "Multiples and Modules" because we have the option of creating a sculpture using multiples of a distinct object to form another object or creating an interesting form out of modules (toothpicks, marbles, dice, pencils, etc.)

After receiving the assignment I was rather perplexed as to what I was going to do and whether I would want to use multiples or modules. So I set out to find some inspiration in the artists that employ this art form as their specialty.

In my search, I came across a spectacular talent by the name of Jennifer Maestre!

Maestre is an artist who is known for these amazing modular sculptures inspired originally by the texture and shape of a sea urchin.

She has come up with a very creative process of cutting pencils into one-inch strips, drilling holes into them to make them into a sort of bead, and then sharpening them. She sows them together using the peyote stitch, resulting in some absolutely lovely and colorful organic forms.

The variety in her pencil colors makes her pieces visually breathtaking and the quality of her work is top-notch. I never thought someone could create such an accurate 3D portrait of me but I was proven wrong by this spot-on sculpture of my face pictured on the right.

This is probably my favorite piece by her and also the inspiration for my own modular project!

Check out her website to see even more amazing pencil sculptures. While you're at it, make sure to look up some of her older, nail sculptures; they're super cool as well!

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