Monday, December 29, 2014

Breadth III : Multiples and Modules - Construction

This project really threw me off at first because I couldn't quite wrap my mind around modular art. To add onto this distress, I was extremely hard headed and I became infatuated with the idea that my medium would be thumbtacks. So here I was, trying to come up with some way to make a sculpture out of these pointy, transparent objects. Luckily, I found inspiration in the work of Jennifer Maestre, about whom I wrote a post a while back. Although I didn't use her medium or technique to create this sculpture, looking at her body of work greatly helped me come up with an idea for my own piece. 

I also took inspiration from Byzantine mosaics with their beautifully symmetric floral patterns and geometric tendencies. 

To be honest, I just started gluing things together to see what would happen and then my inspiration guided me the rest of the way. I began with the little tower shown above and using it as my center, I stuck it on a piece of cardboard and outlined the rest of the sculpture on it. I then had the proper guidelines to help me put all the thumbtacks in the right place. 

This process was rather punishing due to the prickly, blood-drawing medium and the hot, burn- inducing tools. 

The final piece resulted in a chandelier-like sculpture that refracted light in a rather beautiful way but failed due to its meager size and poor construction. This is probably the most non climactic of my pieces probably because I didn't really have an image in my head during its construction and it showed in the final product. I still think it has some interesting visual elements and that it'll photograph well. I might add to the piece by orienting it on a circular mirror to take advantage of the one thing that it has got going for it (previously stated). 

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