Monday, December 29, 2014

Concentration I : The Fortune Teller - Glazing Process

This glazing process has been taking much longer than intended due to my general indecisiveness on the color scheme and lack of knowledge of techniques in mixing authentic looking dark skin. It turns out that making pale-skin glaze is much easier than making dark-skin glaze, especially the sort of burnt tan color that I am going for for this piece.

I began the process by mixing a dark reddish-brown and applying it so that it fit into the crevices of the clay and then wiping away the excess with a watered sponge. 

Pre-Glazing Plans: I will be using this technique for each layer of glaze that I apply, each being lighter than the previous one and then I will go in with some undertones and highlights to finish off the skin. I'm also going to add funky eyeliner and eyebrow makeup as well as settle for a nice lip color and then have some fun with glazing her headscarf. I think I'm going to keep her blouse white and maybe add some watered down grays and black to add depth to the "fabric." I also plan on making her hair a dark brown and making her eyes a glazed over light blue color to give off the sense that she is having a vision. The overall color scheme is turquoise with gold details and brown skin and dark hair. 

UPDATE: The following are photos of the final steps of the glazing process. Enjoy! (03/01/15)

I then painted her eyes in more so they look like they are being rolled to the back of her head as if she were telling a fortune. It's quite creepy but I still think she is beautiful with her unique hair and makeup. 

She is now in the kiln ready to be fired! I put clear glaze over her eyes and mouth to give them a glossy feel and that is why they look slightly green in the above photos. 

AND FINALLY (drumroll please)...... THE FORTUNE TELLER!!

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